Technology for Equitable Learning Opportunities and Design

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Please check back in the coming weeks for more information about the TELOD project, as well as case studies and contact information.

About the project

Technology enhanced learning (TEL) is being adopted in various ways at the University of Auckland (UoA). Large class sizes, need for flexibility and demand for digital technologies have led to flipped lectures, blended learning and large online courses. However, the absence of a guiding framework and/or resources on best practice with reference to global standards in TEL means there is minimum evaluation and critique of the impact of such innovations.

The TELOD project will:

  1. Highlight how technology can support or hinder learning opportunities by increasing awareness of inclusive teaching practices and approaches.
  2. Develop strategies and tactics for inclusive teaching based on the minimum essential of inclusive design and good TEL practice principles identified in frameworks such as Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Quality Matters.
  3. Build capacity among the UoA teachers to use technology for equitable learning opportunities through support and resources for I and II above.